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Care Sheet Order Sale


"Hi Terri, I'm really excited about all my beautiful new dragons that I got from you this year! Thank you so much!" – Matt Judd

“I am so happy with the colors you picked out for me, one showing extreme yellow and the other turning very green I can't wait to see what they'll look like when they're older.  They look even better than in the photos.  I want to say a big thank you for putting up with me, it has definitely been worth it. Love the work you do, still obsessing over your collection!”- Kevin Temple

NEWS! REPTILES MAGAZINE, the premier herp mag, has voted the FID Citrus color morph as #1 of their 15 Best of the Best color morphs of ALL reptile morphs submitted over the past 15 years. We are grateful to the staff at Reptiles for this prestigious honor. See the Best of the Best in Reptiles USA.

UPDATED: 2/6/25

Text: 717-357-5231 - Instagram: fire_and_ice_dragons

Landline: 717-359-8669 

*Semi-Annual Hold Back Sale Has Begun!!! Prices are reduced until these are gone!!! Scroll all the way down!!!

See Parents below...

We have additional dragons in shed. 

Text Inquiries to 717 357 5231 or email below. 

All babies are held daily.

Email terri@fireandicedragons.com

 text 717 357 5231 or call 717 359 8669 (business line)

Payments available over $100.


Update 2/2/25

1. RARE! Super Citrus Female with Lime Green Undertones like Merlin.
Parents: Unnamed
7.75"     15 grams


2. Cute Little White & Orange TIGER Male 
This one has a Disney Face!!! Unique pattern.
Parents: Pearl x Ash
10"     36 grams


3. WOW!!! 50% Miniature Red Monster x Hypo Snow Female
4 Months Old. Complete Saturation of Color!
Parents: Shorty x Snow
11"     60 grams     


4. Pet Quality Orange (Het Hypo) Female
Parents: Unnamed
8"     20 grams


5. Pretty Orange Peach Hypo Female
10 Months old. Would make a great pet. 
She can go right into her forever enclosure.
Parents: Ash x Pearl
17"     245 grams


6. BRILLIANT!!! Patternless Citrus Yellow & Orange Female
Parents: Unnamed Super Citrus x Super Orange 
16"     238 grams


7. Super Sweet Super Citrus Yellow & Orange MALE
Unusual Pattern. 10 Months.
He can go right into a forever enclosure.
Parents: Fire Red x Super Citrus
16.5"     223 grams


8. 50% Miniature Red Monster x Hypo Snow Female Leatherback
4 Months Old. Color to toes!
Parents: Shorty x Snow
12"     85 grams     


9. Hold Back Quality Super Citrus Leatherback Female
This one will likely be patternless when grown.
Parents: Cyrano x Roxanne
7"     14 grams






Hypo Ice x Minature Red Monster Translucent Clutch from
"Snow" x "Shorty"

 Hypo Ice Female "Snow"

Minature Red Monster Translucent Male, "Shorty"

Babies Hatched: 10/17/24 - A Few Available!!!

Extreme Fire Reds, Hypos and Translucents. A few lighter dragons that could shed to Red at maturity. We are crossing the China Reds to our lines to improve the genetic health. These babies will be 50% RM. __________________________________________________________________________

Hypo Ice Pastel x Hypo Hypo Ice Clutch from "Pearl" x "Ash"

Hypo Ice Pastel Striped-back Female

Hypo Ice Pastel Male

Babies Hatching: 8/5/24 - A Few Available!!!

This pair produces some really beautiful babies - many are either white or nearly white with small blushes of color. Really gorgeous. 

Fire Red Clutch from
"Ruby " x "Mandarin"

 Red Monster Leatherback Female "Ruby"

Super Orange/Fire Red Hypo Translucent Male "Mandarin"

Babies Hatching: 8/23/24 - SOLD OUT

Extreme Fire Reds, Hypos and Translucents. We are crossing the China Reds to our lines to improve the genetic health. These babies will be 50% RM and 25% Fire Red. __________________________________________________________________________

Super Citrus Clutch from "Joy" x "Zen"

Super Citrus Female

Super Citrus Leatherback Male

Babies Hatched: 10/6/24 - A Few Available!!!

Jaw-dropping Citrus Yellow offspring from this pair!

NEWS!!! Miniature Bearded Dragon. Read "Shorty's" Story here:


NEWS!!! The Bearded Dragon Manual 2nd Edition is Now Available, rewritten by Fire and Ice Dragons owner Terri Sommella.

Your price: $30 shipped and signed.

  To Order:

Text 717-357-5231, email terri@fireandicedragons.com or call 1-717-359-8669.

Shipping: Please inquire. 2 dragons can usually ship for the same price.
We Ship by Fed Ex Next Day Air only.

Please read the Care Sheet section to set up your new dragon like he or she is here. This minimized stress and makes for a quicker adjustment. Happy dragons are bright dragons! Thanks.

Satisfaction and Health Guarantee can be found under the Pricing & Breeders page.

***We appreciate your business and referrals.***


Did you know? We breed for adult not baby color. Although many of our 100% Fire Reds are brilliant as babies, they do not fade unlike mixed breed dragons who are bright as babies then shed to beige adults. 100% Citrus gain color as they grow up to 1 year.

We have 3 bloodlines of Citrus dragons so we can cross them without inbreeding. They all look different as babies with one being almost all orange. By the time they become adults though, all 3 lines are Citrus yellow.

The final adult coloration depends on the genotype of the dragon or in other words, the parents and grandparents.

What is a Super Citrus Bearded Dragon? Super Citrus was the name created by Fire and Ice Dragons to distinguish our line of purebred hypomelanistic dragons from other mixed morphs that display a yellow color. The Fire and Ice line breeds true and so is a true morph. The first Standard of Excellence for any reptile was developed in 2003 and posted on the Fire and Ice Dragons website http://www.fireandicedragons.com/order.cfm. Despite any misinformation on the Internet, Super Citrus most assuredly CAN have brilliant orange somewhere on its body as an adult and two of our 3 genetic lines display orange color as babies. Adult color depends to a large extent on the price the customer pays or what we call "color quality." While orange is less desirable in an adult, it is still a Super Citrus much like a Pug dog can become a champion but does not necessarily win at Westminster. But it is still a Pug. I hope this is helpful...

If you would like to see more customers comments and photos please visit our facebook page testimonials https://www.facebook.com/Fire-and-Ice-Dragons-144615098922873/?pnref=lhc and my personal page https://www.facebook.com/terri.sommella Your Likes are appreciated!

Contact Info:

Fire and Ice Dragons

Text: 717-357-5231, Call 1-717-359-8669


See the Resources section under "Picture Collectors" on why we take one excellent picture of each For Sale dragon.